Mr. Jose Trino Juarez

Mr. Jose Trino Juarez


College 2


Our Lady of Guadalupe-Delhi, SA


Sep 16th


Mount Angel Seminary


I love to play the guitar, go to the beach and listen to music.


Italian Cuisine


The place I would love to visit is the Vatican City.


Basketball / Soccer


Padre Pio


I was born in Cerano, Guanajuato, Mexico on September 16th, 1992. I am the second of three siblings, all my family is from Mexico. I grew up in Cerano, a little town from the state of Guanajuato. I lived the first 22 years of my life there and it was there where I received most of my academic formation and where my spiritual life began. 

Since I was a child, I was very close to God. My grandmother taught me to pray the rosary and my mother also taught me some prayers. My mother wanted me to be in the children’s choir of my parish and she took me to guitar lessons. It was there that I began to have an interest in serving in different ministries as a child.

I remember some events that have been key in my spiritual life, such as my first communion, my first spiritual retreat, my experiences in different ministries and the paths where God has led me. I have participated in different groups of young people, catechesis and as a reader. Each experience has helped me understand what God is asking me to do.

What are some of the factors that led to your decision to enter the seminary and discern the question of a vocation to the priesthood?

After having a real experience with Christ, I understood that he was calling me to be for him. Little by little I have been discovering what he asks me to do, and every time I try to do my will I find myself in the same misery that reminds me that without God I can do nothing. My spiritual life has given me strength. And I have decided to seek my way through discernment, and I believe that there is no other way that gives me that fullness as is the priesthood. That is why I want to enter the seminary and discover what God has for me.

Who are some of the people who influenced your decision to enter the seminary? What is it about them that assisted you?

Some of those people have been my mother, some priests and also many people from the ministries where I have been. My mother is a person of great faith and her faith has encouraged me to respond to my call. Some priests with their example of life have inspired and motivated me. Something that has also motivated me has been to see the lack of faith in many people, I would like to do more for them and for the whole church.

Describe the moment that you knew you wanted to take the next steps to become a priest?

There have been different moments that have led me to this decision, but one of the strongest has been being in a priestly ordination. That moment makes me feel the greatness of God, and I am sure that this desire does not come only from me, there is a very great force within me that moves me to do it.