Statement from Bishop Vann About the San Bernardino Tragedy
PHOTO CAPTION/CREDIT: Bishop Gerald R. Barnes of San Bernardino, Calif., Rabbi Jay Sherwood, the Rev. Sally Burton and the Rev. Norman Copeland read a “Prayer for Our Government” during a Dec. 7 interfaith service at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral in San Bernardino. (CNS photyo/Dima Otervertchenko, The Tidings)
The horrendous tragedy that unfolded in San Bernardino on December 2nd was a tragic and wanton disregard for life and an affront to the world God wishes that we foster on earth. We stand in solidarity and faith with the people of the Diocese of San Bernardino these days. This tragedy has a human face here in the Diocese of Orange this week, as the days of visitation and prayer and Mass of the Resurrection are here for Tin Nguyen who was killed in the shootings and she was a member of St. Barbara parish in Santa Ana. Such inhuman acts of violence coldly remind us of the presence of evil, hate and objectification that exists in our world, while calling us as people of faith to ever more fully embrace the love of God, reach out to our friends and neighbors, and draw the human family ever closer together. Our Holy Father Francis reminds us; “However dark things are, goodness always re-emerges and spreads. Each day in our world, beauty is born anew.”
As we begin the Year of Mercy, let us pledge to show Christ’s profound love and mercy to the victims of these tragic events and those called to darkness and hate. Let us be messengers of Divine Mercy in our world, especially in these Advent days!
The Most Rev. Kevin Vann, JCD, DD
Bishop of Orange