Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion

Mission Statement

To assist the Bishop and the greater Diocesan community on matters pertaining to ecumenism and inter-religious matters; working together with the many faith traditions in our community to promote dialogue, mutual understanding, friendship, and collaboration for the common good.

The Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion

The Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion serves as a resource to the Bishop, the offices of the Pastoral Center, and the parishes throughout the Diocese of Orange to promote Christian unity and understanding among faiths and to foster dialogue and friendship with members of Christian and non-Christian religions. Our work is guided by the teaching and directives of the Second Vatican Council, the Holy See, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Bishop of Orange. The Diocese hosts committees consisting of clergy, religious and laypersons to serve as forums for dialogue and to foster ecumenical and interreligious collaboration and cooperation on issues pertaining to the common good.

The Office Provides:

  • Speakers for ecumenical and inter-religious subjects, issues and themes
  • Guidance for parishes, ministries and individuals
  • Diocesan events and services that include ecumenical and inter-religious leaders and their members

Office Contacts:

  • Very Reverend Al Baca Episcopal Vicar, Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion –
  • Kathleen M. Conway, M.A., Administrative Assistant –

The Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion Commission advises and assists the Episcopal Vicar in carrying out the responsibilities and duties of the Office. Members of the Commission serve as Diocesan delegates, developing new ideas for ecumenical and interreligious outreach, as well as planning and hosting special events sponsored by the Diocese.

Commission for the Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion

  • Very Reverend Alfred S. Baca, Episcopal Vicar
  • Anthony Vultaggio, Commission Chair
  • Father John Monestero
  • Father Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.
  • Father Ruben Ruiz
  • Deacon Thomas Concitis
  • Deacon Christopher Ciraulo
  • Kathy Ciraulo
  • Dr. Michael Mullard
  • Mary Susa
  • Greg Kelley
  • John Hartmann
  • Dr. Elysabeth Nguyen
  • Kathleen Conway, M.A.

Ongoing dialogue & monthly meetings on the diocesan level:

  1. Ecumenical Commission meets the fourth Wednesday of each month.
  2. Orthodox-Catholic priests gather for multiple events throughout the year.
  3. Jewish-Catholic Dialogue meets on the third Wednesday of the month.
  4. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/Catholic dialogue meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
  5. Orange County Sheriff’s Interfaith Advisory Council meets with Commission members multiple times each year.

Special Events:
Visit of the Relic of St. Jude to the Diocese of Orange – 2024

Part of preparing for the visit of the relic of St. Jude Thaddeus to the Diocese of Orange from April 27 – May 2, 2024, was this podcast with the Very Rev. Alfred S. Baca, Episcopal Vicar of the Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion, and Fr. John Monestero, a member of the diocesan Commission for Ecumenism. Special thanks to Rick Howick, who hosted the conversation, and as always, asked good and thought-provoking questions and to Jim Governale for contributing his production expertise to create this podcast.

OC Catholic Radio: A St. Jude Relic and the Official Opening of the Marian Gardens


The Very Rev. Alfred S. Baca, Episcopal Vicar of the Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion for the Diocese of Orange and organizer of the relic pilgrimage in Orange County, estimated 23,000 faithful venerated the relic at six churches (four Catholic and two Orthodox churches), reaching an additional 15.5 million through social media and livestreaming. Below is an article written by James Day of the National Catholic Register of the blessed visit of the St. Jude Relic under the guardianship of Fr. Carlos Martins.

Day’s National Catholic Register article and photos of the visit of the St. Jude relic at Christ Cathedral on April 30, 2024, can be viewed at: St. Jude Relic Tour The Apostle of the Impossible Touches Scores of Catholic Hearts in California

Fr. Carlos Martins has taken the St. Jude relic across the United States, beginning in Chicago in September 2023, and continues to bring him to parishes on the West Coast, including the Diocese of Orange, through August 2024. The current schedule to view the relic of St. Jude may be found at the Apostle of the Impossible website.

On-going Education, Ecumenical and Inter-religious Events:

Ecumenical Panel Discussion – The Holy Eucharist

Hosted by the Very Reverend Alfred S. Baca, Episcopal Vicor, Office of Ecumenism and Inter-religion. Diocese of Orange

Ecumenical Panel Discussion – The Holy Eucharist

This video features presentations and discussions by the presenters:

Fr. William Goldin, St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim, St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church
Fr. Karekin Bedourian, 40 Martyrs Armenian Orthodox Church


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