All diocesan employees and volunteers at schools, parishes and centers, age 18 and above, working in any capacity with minors (children under the age of 18) or dependent adults must obtain criminal background screening and receive clearance. Additionally, they must complete safe environment training and sign the diocesan Policy Against Sexual Misconduct Code of Conduct before the start of employment or volunteer work.
If you would like to volunteer to work with children or youth, please contact your parish or school Record Custodian who will guide you through the fingerprinting process.
Click here for a complete list of adults required to be fingerprinted and safe environment trained.
Click here to download and view the list of OC Certifix Locations.
Click here to download and view the schedule of fingerprinting fees.
Click here to download and view acceptable forms of ID.
Fees may differ in some locations. Please reference the Certifix location list for actual fees at individual locations.