On January 22, 1973, the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision was
rendered which legalized abortion throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. Since that time,
more than 50,000,000 (50 million) babies have died by surgical abortion. Did you know a baby dies
by surgical abortion about every 20 seconds in the United States?
To help stop the anti-life push around the world, the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the spiritual adoption of an unborn child. This is done by praying that the one particular but unknown child’s life be spared abortion and be allowed to continue to live.
We encourage parishes to host a 9-month family prayer program to pray for an unborn child in danger of an abortion. Read below to find out how to host the program.
- It is an opportunity to pledge a daily prayer for nine months for a baby who is in danger of abortion. This special prayer is found on the Spiritual Adoption Prayer cards. For the parents of the baby, please pray a daily Hail Mary. Pray that God in His great mercy will grant the parents the courage to once more imitate the lives of Mary and Joseph. They gave a humble yes to bring forth the life of Jesus, our Savior, in a way that was defiant to the wisdom of their time.
- It is an opportunity to educate others about the development of the pre-born baby. You also are encouraged to put an article in your parish bulletin once a month so that all can watch the progress of their baby’s development.
- At the end of nine months you might like to host a baby shower. The baby shower is a visible means of imitating the Magi by providing assistance in the form of a donated baby item. These baby items can be given to one of the Respect Life Clinics, Centers or Shelters.
Our prayers CAN make a difference between whether a baby will be born … or aborted. Our prayers can also be a form of spiritual support for both of the parents. Please share the love of life given to you by the Lord of all life and join in spiritually adopting a baby.
Here are all of the materials you need to facilitate a successful Spiritual Adoption Program:
Spiritual Adoption
Instructions Bulletin Announcements
Spiritual Adoption Item
for Spiritual Adoption Program
Spiritual Adoption
Program Flyer